The worst things to say in an apology

Saying “I’m sorry” is hard enough. Don’t butcher it by saying any of these things:

1 “I’m sorry you feel that way.”

This blames the other person for…having feelings? It’s not addressing your own actions but blaming someone for how they responded to your actions.

2 “I’m sorry I caused…x, y, z”

This phrase creates one degree of separation between you and your actions. It also blames the outcome rather than the action itself. Instead of saying “I’m sorry I caused confusion” say “I’m sorry I didn’t communicate well.”

3 “I’m sorry if…”

Saying “I’m sorry if” implies you’re not sure what you’re sorry for. Instead of saying “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings” say “I’m sorry I said that.”

A good rule of thumb is to be as simple as possible. “I’m sorry I didn’t call you.” “I’m sorry I didn’t honor your privacy.” “I’m sorry I disrespected you.” The fewer words, the less likely you are to pass the blame onto someone or something else. Be clear and concise and it will be over before you know it.


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