Navigating parties when you don’t know anyone

We’ve all walked into a party or event only to realize we don’t know a single soul. Who do you talk to? Where do you sit? In this article, we’re cutting right to the chase. Here are 3 tricks to help you navigate a party of strangers with confidence.

1 Bring something…good.

This isn’t just a southern myth. This is a fail-proof plan to ensure you’re in good graces with everyone. Don’t bring a veggie plate or even a cheap wine. Bring something that stands out as a crowd favorite. Bring 100 chicken nuggets or a few bags of pizza rolls. Bring the best chips and 7-layer dip. Everyone wants to talk to the person who brought the McDonald’s hamburgers. Whatever you bring, don’t bring boring.

2. Find the host.

When you arrive, find the one person you have a valid reason to talk to…the host. Thank them for inviting you, offer to pop your pizza rolls in the oven, or ask if they need any help. The host will likely already be talking to someone and they’ll probably introduce you. And your first conversation will kick off before you know it.

3. Leverage your skills

You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not. If you’re the extrovert, go find the extroverts and jump into conversation. If you’re a joker, get the group laughing, if you’re an introvert, you won’t be the only introvert there. Find your people and get to know them. It’s not impolite to jump into conversation and say “Hey, can I join in, what are we talking about?” It’s a party, not a congressional hearing.

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